Who destroyed the boy in my Father
Category: Life
My mothers side of the family seems to have been lost to me. I've been researching all the supposed names of my grandfather and grandmother to no avail. My grandmother told my brother when he was maybe 5 or 6, "don't tell anyone your Indian when you get to San Francisco."
My parents were leaving Colorado.
It was mid 1930's and my grandmother was truly afraid that harm would come to my brother and sister if anyone knew there nationality.
I did not know we had Indian in us until I was in high-school. My grandfather had passed away and my mom was explaining to me how they draped colorful ribbons over his casket to represent the ones he would tie on his high, rounded hat. I asked my mom why did he do that? That is when I found out he was Indian.
Now that I'm alone, my parents are long gone, I've decided I want to know more about my grandfather. so I started searching. I've looked for a long time and have had a very hard time finding out anything because there are no relatives to ask.
In the back of my mind I kept thinking why don't I just look up my dad's side for now since I do have an uncle living and maybe it would be easier?
I didn't want to know about my father. He was the one who split our family apart, he was the one I did not want to be related to.
Then we had a family reunion. I saw old photo's of my parents, my brother and sister and photos of my dad as a little boy. I got copies of those photos but it was the one of my dad as a young boy that has set me on this quest. I realized while looking at this haunted child that he was at one time a little innocent person who must have suffered at the hands of someone. Someone so evil that he must have turned that little boy into the sick man who became my father.
It is that little boy I love and it is that little I want to discover.
8 years ago
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