
Saturday, April 26, 2008

A good night's sleep

Max is still insisting that I am one of his pack. Not the leader but one of his pals. He follows me everywhere and leaps on me at night when I go to sleep. Chris has taken to tying him up in her room at night in hopes that I can sleep with out interference from him.

To add to that nights sleep, I finely bought a double bed. I could not stand sleeping in the dip of my hard, twin mattress another day. My neck was so stiff and I woke up sore every morning.

The only problem is, Papoki, the blind Cat. (This is my daughters cat but since she brought Todd into the house Papoki chooses to sleep with me.) Poor me. On the first night that I got the bed Papoki could not figure out how to get on to it as it is higher then the old one. She was scratching on all the furniture trying to get her bearings. This she would do in the middle of the night. So I would have to get off the bed and put her on to it and then she would sleep a few minutes get down go and eat then walk around in the hall then come back and start all over with the scratching. Because she likes to walk around in the hall in the middle of the night I can't close my bedroom door or she will then scratch on it endlessly until I get up to let her in.

After I finely got her settled in, the other cat, Todd who is on a diet, came into my room and started eating papoki's food. I then had to get up and take it away, get into bed, and then Todd hopped up on my computer desk on to the keyboard and then to the sill to look out my window. After I had finely fallen asleep she then hopped on my bed with a thump and woke me. She and Papoki then stared each other down and growled, at which time I had to take Todd out, dump her back into my daughters room, and finely to sleep.

Next thing I know I hear a thump on my computer chair, Todd is on it, directly across from my bed staring at Papoki. Now Papoki can't see her and so she is sleeping but I'm quite awake waiting for Todd to fling herself on to the bed. But I am so tired I finely fall asleep. At 4 in the morning! Finely it's time to get up and I awake with Todd at my feet and Papoki in my face.

That morning Chris was anxious to hear how I slept on my new bed. Did I get a good nights sleep? Well, my neck didn't hurt. For all of the action that that has taken place in my room each night since, I might as well have saved my money and just slept on the couch down stairs because my room is going to the cat's.

Poor Max, might as well let him loose too who knows maybe he can chase the two out and then I will only have to contend with him. Maybe I can get used to his tongue sluping up my cheek and his taking over the bed. At least at some point he settles down and goes to sleep.

Lately I have been feeling, (and I do love animals that's for sure,) lets just give them all away! No more fur full of water dripping on my clean clothes after Max takes a long drink, no scratching at all points of the room in the middle of the night, no fat Todd cheating on her diet in my room or clawing my new bed spread and picking on Papoki because she is model thin, no worrying about Sam, Rachel's cat, as he sits in Rachel's room waiting for her to come home. And best of all no cleaning up cat litter!!!

I shouldn't be so hasty though, who knows how I will feel after a good night's sleep.

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Do you want to know about Hawaii from a locals point of view? Where do we like to go? What things do we like to see. This blog is about seeing Hawaii without being trapped. This is a journal about Good eats, Hawaiian events, and looking at the islands through the eyes of someone who has lived here for more then forty years.

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