I got into an argument with my daughter this morning when I mentioned how high the cost of gas was going up. I mentioned a few thing I might be able to do to cut back on gas consumption. She was fine with that. Then I said “you know the gas going up won’t just affect the car but what we consume in Electricity.”
She hit the roof. “Don’t you think I know how much electricity has gone up? I pay the bill don’t I”?
I just thought maybe we could discuss ways to cut back on that too not meaning that she was ignorant of what was going on. I wonder how many households are playing out this exact same scenario? I hear people complain about immigrants who can collect social security and yet never have paid into it. Complaints about gas going up and worried about how to get to work and yet the bus system does not improve. Instead a billion dollar transit system is being proposed that will not help one bit. On and on it goes but nothing gets done. Why can’t we have more access to voting on these things instead of letting the politicians do it? Maybe the same way that they do in Switzerland.
The ancient Hawaiians believed that their Alii were in touch with the gods. If they had a good relationship with the gods then the Alii would prosper and hence the common man under him would prosper too. But if things went wrong they could remove the Alii because obviously he was not doing the right thing.
I think that is what we should be able to do. Of course that is a bit over simplified it was a much, much more complicated system then that just stated and we know that our leaders have nothing to do with any thing in the heavens. But the way things are going maybe there is a good argument that our leaders are a little closer to hell. Perhaps what we need is an exorcism of the government. Hey maybe the Rev. Wright might want to take on the job?
8 years ago
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