As I parked my car after Chris and I had unloaded everything to our assigned spot I could not but help to be impressed with the beautiful colors that lit over the tent where everyone's displays were. Even the dirt had a nice color to it.
Chris started in organizing the table, pinning the hanging Santa's up front, putting the pumpkin dolls off to one side and then hanging the angels to the tree. If you click on the photo it will give you a better look.
I had to but look as she went to work. She was on a mission and had a plan in her head and I only needed to step back and keep out of her way. I don't often do craft fairs but I must admit I really am happy that she comes along and helps me out as I am always at a total loss when it comes to setting up.
So while she worked and Nico played his DS I decided to see what was going on around the grounds.
I came upon these church members getting ready to uncover an imu. You can see the steam coming out of the underground oven that they had made to make kalua or roast pig. These were mats on top of the imu that were spread over banana leaves.
Here you can see the banana leaf up close as the steam rises out of the ground.
Once the banana leaves were removed there was a wired mesh that you can see here that was covering the pig that was wrapped in tin foil. This is more of the modern way of roasting a pig. In actuality these are pork butts that have been wrapped in tin foil unlike the traditional pig that you would see whole in the ground at this point.
And of course you know what these are but I just loved the looks of this bunch of bananas. Who does not associate the fruit with Hawaii? So I thought I would just throw that in.
After walking around I went back to my booth and got down to the business of the fair. It was held at Queen Liliuokalani church. Named for the last ruling monarch in Hawaii who used to visit the church whenever she came out to stay at the hotel in the area. The tent was set way back from the main busy road in this tourist town and though they had signs out in front very few people came into the fair.
The Church had put a lot into the fair, having The Royal Hawaiian Band play, singing and hula. But it was not enough. Maybe if the fair had been in the large area in front of the church where they had an antique car display it would have been visible from the road and perhaps there would have been more walk in traffic.
The two venders that I spoke to did not do well. Nor did I. But I will say, the venders who did do well were the ones with the food. And I think that I spent most of my money in their booths. I did sell a few dolls in the end but not enough to make a dent in the mass that I had sewn.
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