Do you value your life? To the tune of what amount? If someone were to ask you how much would you sell your child for, would you put a value on your offspring?
Well it seems that one of those many government agencies has re-evaluated just what an American life is worth. It is down one million. The worth is now $6.9 million in todays standards. So what does that mean for us little folk?
Say your living next to a government chemical plant and it's giving off toxins into the air that you breath. You are told that there is a way to put a filter on the plant so that it would be safe for the environment. How would you react? Of course you would want that filter put on because you and your family breath in that air.
But now this agency has stepped in and said that the amount of money it would cost to put that filter in would cost more then the value of the lives it affects according to their statistics. So the filter is not put in. Suck wind you sucker, no don't breath in that air, well, ha, what do you do?
Hum, reminds me of the old war move, "They were Expendable."
I believe that there is to much, one hand washes the other, going on in the government and we are just powerless to do anything about it. If you don't believe me, try taking a trip via the airlines. Be pulled out of line and put into one of those booths that can x-ray and expose your body shape to be viewed by an unseen stranger. Hey, I don't even like to undress when I'm at the doctors let alone some idiot TSA agent on a power trip.
Just look at what happened to that poor woman who was tackled by two huge agents and thrown into a chair then handcuffed because she got to close to the TSA agent as he riffled through her carry on. I don't care if she told him not to wrinkle her clothes. I've seen how they push their weight around. And to top it off? They don't even x-ray what goes into the belly of the plain. Can you say "suicide bomber?"
Bottom line. We have no say and we are loosing more and more of our rights. And now, it seems, we are Worthless.,2933,380447,00.html Value of an American life.
To see video of woman being arrested at airport with excessive force: